Why Washing your car is more important than ever
- Express car washes provide necessary ongoing upkeep, maintenance, and antibacterial and antiviral hard surface cleaning for automobiles. Regular car washing is included in most vehicle's maintenance manuals.
- Much like washing your hands regularly, washing your car's exterior, door handles, and trunk are essential in removing virus from the surface. Without that cleaning process, the coronavirus is reported to remain on metal, glass, plastic, and other hard, non-porous surfaces for up to nine days. This poses a risk for all vehicle operators but especially shared vehicles like police, fire, ambulance, and ride-sharing (Uber/Lyft), as well as personal vehicles. Washing cars improves the public health through that cleaning process.
Changes to our Policies & Procedures:
Our highest priority continues to be the health and well-being of our team and customers. We have taken a number of common sense, precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of our team and our customers:
- All team members are required to wear a mask & gloves at all times.
- Any employee who has traveled is quarantined for 14 days before scheduled for work again.
- We frequently and vigorously disinfect our offices, common areas, restrooms, waiting areas etc.
- For the safety of our customers visiting RedLine, our team disinfects high traffic surfaces such as vacuum handles, vending machines, self serve bay equipment, and pay station equipment.
- We continuously remind team members that the best strategy for fighting the spread of coronavirus is to regularly wash your hands in soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds each time.
We are limiting the interaction with the customer. Here are the additional precautions we have implemented:
- Customers schedule and pay for detail appointments online only.
- Customers drop their vehicle using the key drop and schedule pick up once detail is completed.
- Vehicles will be sanitized prior to beginning detail work and then again after.
- Customers drop their vehicle using the key drop and schedule pick up once detail is completed.
- We are not providing towel drying to limit interaction with customers.
- Customers must wear a mask if entering any RedLine facility and while in waiting area.
- Barrier glass has been installed to further insure safety while interactions occur in office.
We will continue to monitor the CDC, as well as federal, state and local guidance on how best to respond and protect our team and customers.
Thank you for your attention and patience during this rapidly changing time.